Take your brand to the next level by identifying the right marketing strategy focused on how your business presents its brand to consumers and positions itself within the marketplace.
Join the waitlistThis course complements the Brand Tuned program, and hence does not include intellectual property content. It’s suitable for intellectual property lawyers or for those who have taken the Brand Tuned program. If you are not already familiar with the brand protection aspects of branding then you would be missing an important dimension of branding if you just take this course. The Brand Tuned Accelerator program would be more suitable for you and also provides the support that many business owners need to apply the ideas to their circumstances.
This Brand Strategy course is self-guided.
The focus of the course is on everything you need to take into account to develop your brand strategy. Doing this course after the Brand Tuned program equips you to comprehensively address brand IP alongside the brand creation issues that impact brand identity so your strategy covers IP too.
The course starts with an in-depth review of the role of the founder and what brand and branding mean and signify for a business. Brand is about so much more than reputation. It’s the single most important issue to get right if you want to create or grow a successful business.

The course covers demystifies many of the concepts that are often confused by marketers and business owners alike, such as how to do effective market research, and construct customer personas.

There is guidance on questions to ask yourself so you do some deep introspective thinking to determine your philosophy, and values. You need to deeply think through what an effective brand strategy would be to achieve your desired business goals.

You will be completing a brand plan week by week as you consider your brand strategy, from defining your brand’s values and personality to crafting a compelling brand story and customer experience.

To attract your target market involves knowing how to find out what buyers want and need, and understanding what the competition is offering them.
You’ll decide which group of buyers to target after properly understanding what they want and need, what the competition is offering and what you are uniquely well placed to offer them. That’s key to deciding what you want to be known for and where your strengths lie, so you can position your brand to be unique and articulate how your business differs from competitors.
The course gives you the latest marketing insights to know how to reach your target audience, and the in-depth coverage of positioning tactics, you’ll discover how to differentiate your brand from the competition and establish a unique place in the market.
The heart of marketing involves better understanding customers so you can arrive at a strong value proposition for your brand, and create effective marketing campaigns. Positioning depends on knowing how to research what buyers want and need.
But that’s not all. The course also includes practical exercises and real-world examples, so you can apply what you’ve learned and see the results for yourself. And with our flexible online format, you can learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.
So why wait? Enrol in the Brand Strategy, Marketing and Positioning course and develop your brand plan for creating a powerful brand that stands out from the crowd!
Join the waitlist
Creating a distinctive brand is an important imperative of branding although the brand is about so much more than its look and feel. This course gives you the information you need to know so you can decide what look and feel evokes the personality of your brand.
Here's what the weekly videos cover:

Week 01:
The founder’s identity is key to uncovering the unique brand being created and the IP strategy that is appropriate. A list of questions to brainstorm and think through your approach.

Week 02:
How to assess market and interview people to discover buyer problems is the focus of this module, by the end of which you will have clear approaches to use depending on whether the brand is creating something new or wants to get feedback on existing products and services.

Week 03:
The importance of creating minimum viable products to test if you’re creating something new and exploring business model and so-called sub-category creation is the focus of this module. You will have a range of approaches to use to explore business models and new subcategories, to create the right business strategy.

Week 04:
‘Differentiate or Die’ , ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ , and other teachings about differentiation, innovation and disruption is discussed . as are alternative approaches to positioning so your brand is clearly differentiated.

Week 05:
This is about pulling everything together to ensure the brand aligns to business strategy. The brand promise, vision, mission, vision, values, brand experience touchpoints are some of the issues covered as is building mental and physical availability when promoting the brand so it becomes unique and famous through its distinctive assets.

Week 06:
The need to ring fence a budget for long term brand building and maintaining a watchful eye for competitor activity to maintain your unique distinctiveness is discussed. The need to review your brand’s performance annually and making necessary adjustments to the strategy is also a focus of this final module.