Brand Tuned Book Endorsements
‘Much as I didn’t expect this, I enjoyed this book immensely. It was refreshing to see some legalistic rigour brought to bear on the most misused and overused term in the marketing lexicon.’
Vice-Chairman of Ogilvy UK
‘This book belongs on your shelf. It explains how to develop and protect IP, a brand name, and brand symbols all crucial to long term success and all underappreciated and understudied.’
Vice-Chairman at Prophet, Brand Strategist and Author
‘As marketers we need to hone our skills and keep learning to expand our knowledge. I recommend this book for marketers who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of the application of IP to their work.’
CEO, The Marketing Society
‘Brands are the lifeblood of a business. If you own, or are custo dian of, one then you must, must, must protect and nurture its precious equity. This book will give you a head start.’
Phil Barden
Managing Director, DECODE Marketing Ltd;
author of Decoded: The Science Behind Why We Buy
‘Your brand is a cornerstone asset and it’s worth getting right. This book will make sure you are creating a brand in line with the latest evidence-based thinking on how brands grow and
how to develop distinctive brand assets. This book should be a companion for any entrepreneur with ambition to create real value.’
Daniel Priestley
CEO, Dent Global
‘A welcome salve for many a curious soul and a thoroughly enjoyable easy read on two critical subjects for the Digital Age. Hopefully, this invigorating book will help change the way marketers, designers, and MBA students are trained in IP, and IP lawyers are trained in branding. Not before time!’
CEO, EntrepreneurLawyer Ltd
‘Brand Tuned is essential reading for all entrepreneurs who want to build and protect brands for long term profit and market share. You should read this before you even think about naming a product or designing a logo.’
Founder of Rethink Press and author of Make Your Book Pay
‘Brands are important assets. They take time to build. This book summarizes how we can most effectively build and protect them so we don’t waste valuable time and resources. A useful guide, not just for those working in a legal profession.’
Partner at The Commercial Works and curator of Eat Your Greens
‘Anyone involved with setting up or growing a business will benefit enormously from the insight provided by this book into the world of branding. All aspects are thoroughly covered in a way which is both enjoyably readable and positively instructive.’
Chartered Patent and Trade Mark Attorney
Past President of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys
‘In Brand Tuned, Shireen Smith brings clarity and focus to the critical concepts of building and protecting brand value.’
Author & Managing Partner at
‘Shireen Smith has done the branding community and all business people a great service by highlighting the importance of IP law in branding. Who better than a lawyer with branding experience to explain where the two disciplines overlap and dispel some common misconceptions about both.’
Podcast Host, How Brands Are Built
‘Well organized and perfectly written, Brand Tuned is a bedside book for any entrepreneur who takes their business’ journey seriously. It approaches branding not only as naming a company but also as a strategy to help you start your business journey one step ahead. From its cleverly structured methodology to well-presented research, Brand Tuned will surely become a guide for small and big scale businesses alike and help light the way for start-ups as well as experienced industry leaders. Knowing her readers’ needs thoroughly, Shireen Smith continues to share her valuable experience in the most innovative way possible.’
Managing Director, TTC wetranslate Ltd
‘Shireen Smith provides an elegant discussion on brands, whose modest length belies the scope of its wisdom and practical advice. Nearly every page offers an insight worth remembering, and she combines her intelligent observations with abundant germane examples. If you are a trademark professional, read this book. If you are a branding or marketing professional, read this book.’
Counsel, Dr. Eyal Bressler
Author of Trade Mark Licensing